Let Us Discuss Pay
16.1 The current average wage for Caucasian employees on the 2022 DSBN Senior Leadership Team is $173,086.62
- Zakia Hamdani earns $110,601.09 as an consultant, which is $62,485.53 less than the average Caucasian team member.
- Maryam Safdar Ali earns $126,302 as an advisor, which is $46,784.62 less than the average Caucasian team member.
16.2 We have discovered that there is a lot of White Privilege being afforded within the DSBN hiring and promoting methods. Therefore, having just concluded discussing Maryam Safdar Ali and Zakia Hamdani, let us now turn our attention to the remaining leadership.

16.3 So here we have seven Caucasian looking individuals who are in control and in charge of everything related to the DSBN Board and Student Equity and Inclusion & Anti-Racism improvements. And only one actual racialized individual from a group of 8 that actually appears to be East Indian or East Indian descendant. And even in the face of the catastrophic Turner Consulting Group Audit the DSBN and Warren Hoshizaki continue with their racist behavior without fear.
16.4 As a result the Caucasians make up 87.5% of the DSBN Equality, Inclusion, and Anti-Racism Community Advisory Group. This is a rather high percentage, but it does fall again in par with the DSBN’s overall Caucasian census staffed workforce of 87%.
16.5 It’s fantastic to see how consistently the DSBN and Warren Hoshizaki use White Staffing and White Privilege across the board. Why shouldn’t there be a majority of Caucasians in the DSBN Equality, Inclusion, and Anti-Racism Community Advisory Group.
16.6 When everyone and everything related to racism is obviously White Staffed, how can any racialized student or their parents believe that a leadership team and an advisory committee for equity, inclusion, and anti-racism, who have consciously accepted and practice Organizational Whiteness, could understand their concerns and issues regarding racism within the DSBN?
16.7 The DSBN and Warren Hoshizaki are not interested in fostering inclusiveness or value diversity in their workforce. Instead of giving these titles to their seven Caucasian—Darren Van Hooydonk, Kelly Pisek, Ann Gilmore, Leanne Smith, Michael St. John Shannon Mitchell, and Zakia Hamdani. The DSBN and Warren Hoshizaki should have at least given more positions to racialized individuals who can truly relate.
16.8 And rather than these seven Caucasian looking individuals deciding for themselves that maybe they cannot relate to the predicament of a visually racially individual while living in Canada, where 66% of individuals believe that racism is not a problem. And instead of acknowledging their own ignorance of their own prejudices, by not acknowledging and recognized the widespread hiring of White Staffing that has been taking place for decades.
16.9 They joyfully accept the lucrative positions and get ready to pretend to be able to identify with racialized individuals and their dilemma of racism here in Canada and within the Organizational Whiteness DSBN. The arrogance is mind boggling!
16.10 With these actions it appears that the DSBN and Warren Hoshizaki have a White Supremacy attitude that Caucasian individuals are the ultimate race, the ultimate fixer of all problems and the ultimate experts in all fields.
16.11 It is evident that Caucasian people dominate the ranks when looking at the ten highest-paid workers across the DSBN.

16.12 The irony of the ten best paid workers in the DSBN is that half of these extraordinarily well paid Caucasian individuals are paid to manage the DSBN Equality, Inclusion, and Anti-Racism Community Advisory Group.
16.13 How do the DSBN and Warren Hoshizaki really expect any racialized individual to approach a Caucasian problem solver, about a Caucasian employee, who works for an overpopulated Organizational Whiteness DSBN, that has been deliberately trying to underrepresent their racialized workforce and think anything will be done fairly and without bias?
16.14 The Turner Consulting Group audit unequivocally establishes and demonstrates that the DSBN and Warren Hoshizaki and their cultural workforce have been willfully practicing Organizational Whiteness since at least 2007.
16.15 And to appease all racialized students and their family’s fears that their grievances will be adequately addressed and fairly resolved in an impartial manner over a Caucasian employee. The DSBN and Warren Hoshizaki hired seven Caucasian staff members to oversee issues of racism within their own school board!
16.16 And the best is yet to come. The DSBN Board and EQUITY, INCLUSION AND ANTI-RACISM TRUSTEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE are calling for racialized individuals to join the organization well publishing:
16.17 “Parents/Guardians/Caregivers with lived experience – We consider “lived experience” as a member of an equity seeking group to be a valuable asset and encourage applications from candidates with diverse backgrounds, including but not limited to: Members of groups that commonly experience discrimination due to race, ancestry, color, religion and/or spiritual beliefs, place of origin, sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions”
16.18 How many of these previous mentioned eight positions are held by an individual who has “lived experience as a member with diverse backgrounds, and has commonly experience discrimination due to race, color or place of origin?” One!
16.19 The fact that the DSBN and Warren Hoshizaki still have other “lived experiences” options to select from when filling positions with their preference for Caucasians, from such groups as Two-spirit and LGBTQ+ communities, ethnic communities, and people with disabilities is extraordinarily fortunate for them.
16.20 With that said, Zakia Hamdani is unable to really understand the prejudice of a person who is a visually racialized individual to some extent. Zakia Hamdani could always temporarily remove her religious hijab/headscarf if she so desired, allowing her to walk freely among unrelated individuals without their knowledge of her religious beliefs. As a result, she could be free to go about without worrying about encountering prejudice and discriminatory behavior because of her personal religious beliefs.
16.21 A racialized person, who has a skin complexion other than that of Caucasian, CANNOT conceal their skin. They will never be able to remove their complexion so they too could move around without fear of facing discrimination because of the color of their skin.
16.22 Zakia Hamdani does know about discrimination, but her discrimination is a different type then most others. No matter how much a visually racialized individual wishes, they go to bed Black, they wake up Black! And no matter how frustrated, tired, depressed and angry they get they can never change that!
16.23 Zakia Hamdani has the ability to remove her discrimination if she so wish to, even if for an hour. Not that she should have to, or would. But in the end she does have that choose if she found the discrimination in Canada to be too much and decided to change religion or become a practicing Muslim female who does not wear any form of head covering. Visually racialized individuals with darker skin don’t have the option to take off their skin or change it their complexion. It is theirs FOR LIFE!
16.24 Zakia Hamdani discrimination is nothing compared to the stress and frustration of living a life with a physical reminder that your skin is constantly under attack for no reason.