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Mary Anne Gage Continues To Promote the Lies
Discussion: Mary Anne Gage Email – October 28, 2022

56.1 10 days after Mary Anne Gage announced suddenly and very unexpectedly that the applicant was now welcomed back to Connaught Public School. And that there is no more need or desire for the “MUST OCCUR” meeting and that she and Jacqueline Ravazzolo wish not to proceed with this matter any longer.

56.2 Mary Anne Gage on October 28, 2022 again suddenly and unexpectedly replied to an email that was originally sent to Kevin Maddalena way back in November 8, 2021.

56.3 Mary Anne Gage who was again acting in the official capacity for Kevin Maddalena was still willing to support and uphold his lie against a Black child/student from his class in an effort to shield Jacqueline Ravazzolo from being held accountable for her racist behavior.

56.4 By this point on October 28, 2022 the applicant was not even two months into the new 2022-23 school year and so far he was;

  1. Physically attacked twice by his Caucasian bully Hunter
  2. Hunted, targeted and discriminated against twice in two days by S. Matterson.
  3. Again targeted and discriminated against by Jacqueline Ravazzolo.
  4. The recipient of two DSBN employees attempted to unlawfully steal his cell phone.
  5. Threated to disciplinary action by sending him to the office by S. Matterson and Jacqueline Ravazzolo for not complying to their request to unlawfully turn over his phone.
  6. Implied to be a liar by his homeroom teacher Kevin Maddalena, who tried to discredit his recollection of Jacqueline Ravazzolo racist behavior a year later.
  7. Suspend/expelled by the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Mary Anne Gage and Jacqueline Ravazzolo for 12 days without cause or explanation.
  8. Still not being given any actual explanation by the DSBN in regards to clarification about all the incidents from last year and current year.
  9. Witness to Mary Anne Gage continued bias behavior in protecting and justifying the racist and discriminatory behavior of Jacqueline Ravazzolo and now Kevin Maddalena.
  10. Witness to the sexist and racist promotion/appointment of the racist Jacqueline Ravazzolo to Principal of Connaught Public School following the abrupt departure of Christopher McInnis.

56.5 It was obvious to the parents that nothing had changed with their situation within the DSBN in regards to their son’s physical safety, mental and emotional health and overall educational experience and it appeared to be in fact getting worse.

56.6 The applicant parents figured that they had now run out of options and decided that they needed to remove their son from the poisonous environment created by Kevin Maddalena in his classroom and the dangerous conditions at Connaught Public School until certain issues were dealt with appropriately.

56.7 That afternoon when the applicant returned home from school, he explained to his parents that his teacher Kevin Maddalena had been acting differently towards him since returning on the October 19, 2023. The applicant stated that he “feel uncomfortable in class.”

56.8 The applicant continued on stating that Kevin Maddalena “seemed to be ignoring me in class.” The parents questioned their son over what he meant by “ignoring” you? And asked him to give them an example.

56.9 The applicant stated that “If I raise my hand to answer a question, he does not pick me anymore.”

56.10 The parents explained to their son that he no longer needs to be concerned about feeling uncomfortable around Kevin Maddalena because he would not be attending class until a certain issue were resolved and dealt with appropriately.