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Land Acknowledgement

18.1 “The enslavement of African peoples, the enslavement of Indigenous peoples, took place in this country in the same way it did in the United States, in the Caribbean and across Central and South America… Like in the United States, slavery in Canada was about violence and brutality, about social control, and treating an entire group of people as subhuman.” Dr. Andrea Davis.

18.2 So while on this topic of the Indigenous People of Canada, let us quickly touch on the DSBN and Warren Hoshizaki thoughtful racist and discriminatory Land Acknowledgement to the originals of Canada!

18.3 “The land on which we gather is the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe individuals, many of whom continue to live and work here today. This territory is covered by the Upper Canada Treaties and is within the land protected by the Dish with One Spoon Wampum agreement. Today this gathering place is home to many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit individuals acknowledging this reminds us that our great standard of living is directly related to the resources and friendship of Indigenous individuals.”

18.4 “The land on which we gather is the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe individuals, many of whom continue to live and work here today.”

18.5 That’s right the Indigenous individuals and groups in the Niagara Region “continue to live and work here” just not at the DSBN as there is ONLY 29 North American Indigenous employees out of 3,811 census responders.

18.6 I have a great idea! How about the DSBN and all other schools in Ontario and Canada stop with their BULLSHIT Land Theft Acknowledgement and return the land to the North American Indigenous communities or pay up the fair market value of the land or pay rent for the stolen land they occupy. And STOP with this reminding them every single day of their Colonizing European Terrorist ways each day in schools at 9:05 am.

18.7 You see this is just another racist act, like they do for Blacks during the month February and always talking about Slavery. It is a way to remind the indigenous families that Caucasians took their land through violence in the name of self-interest and greed. Then these same European Colonizers that then turn around and built residential schools, stole their children and then murdered them, buried them in mass graves to hide their crimes.

18.8 The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) estimated that at least 6000 missing children who attended Indian Residential Schools in Ontario are known to have died, while an unknown number are still missing. The TRC research identified 12 locations of unmarked burial sites in Ontario, but there are likely more through the Province and Canada.

18.9 It is a great thing that the DSBN and Warren Hoshizaki are so fourth coming with their willingness to flaunt their insensitive European Colonizing and Criminal ways of land grabbing/stealing, murdering history with an insignificant Land Acknowledgement spew of bullshit and insincere regret.

18.10 The DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and all Canadian schools that are located on Indigenous lands need to shut-up and return the land they have taken! Because they are no better than the Catholic Church and their murdering of thousands of innocent and helpless indigenous children and the rape and molestation of millions of other God fearing children over hundreds of years!