M.1 Reviewing Christopher McInnis behavior in the beginning as separate incidents and that he might not have handle them in the best of ways, there is no definitive proof that the applicant’s race, or the racist culture of the DSNB had anything to do with.
M.2 Upon closer inspection, his assertion that he has “never been in a more welcoming and positive school than Connaught” is based on a 98% Caucasian workforce at the school. Even if this sounds utterly absurd and ridicules for a Caucasian principal to say, nothing about it alone would imply a racial undertone without the knowledge of the content and details presented in PARTS 1 through 18 at the time.
M.3 But as the clock run, the applicants parents were able to start piecing the multiple incidents together that transpire over two years. And after a while Christopher McInnis’s innocence started to show cracks, it began to reveal a pattern of racist behavior that is identical to that of the two co-defendants principals Janice Sargeant and Jacqueline Ravazzolo and their well-documented racist behavior against the applicant.
M.4 The irony of it all is that the applicants parents were able to gather incident after incident of the harm, abuse, violence and prejudice behavior against their son, as he had to endured it while in the care of the DSBN and its employee. The same clock that the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and their co-defendants had been attempting to use against the applicant and his family for over the previous two years.
M.5 The fact that the applicant was attacked, assaulted, harmed and all Christopher McInnis was only worried about was that the applicant had hit a Caucasian female bully starts to tell the story.
M.6 It was never about everyone winning as Christopher McInnis stated. It was only about not holding the Caucasian bullies Marcus, Natasha and Hunter accountable for their actions against the Black applicant/victim.
M.7 But when it became clear that the DSBN had a prejudiced, misandry and racial culture. The curtain started to fall and it revealed the racist, prejudiced and biased actions and patterns of Janice Sargeant and Jacqueline Ravazzolo against the same applicant and his family.
M.8 The applicant and his parents were fortunate enough that two other DSBN principals Janice Sargeant and Jacqueline Ravazzolo also behaved similarly to Christopher McInnis when dealing with other racist Caucasian offenders and bullies.
M.9 If Janice Sargeant and Jacqueline Ravazzolo hadn’t acted in such a bigoted, discriminating and prejudiced way against the applicant and his family. And as there was little evidence to substantiate Christopher McInnis’s discriminatory behavior. Christopher McInnis could have “retired” and gotten away without ever being held accountable.
M.10 But it’s no longer just him—two other DSBN principals have also shown blatant racism and prejudice behavior towards the applicant. Janice Sargeant and Jacqueline Ravazzolo just add to the body of evidence supporting the notion that principals at the DSBN often engage in this kind of pattern of racist behavior towards racialized children/students.
M.11 The Judicial Education Center defines; (paragraph 4)

Read More – The University Of New Mexico JEC – Pattern Of Conduct Examples
M.12 Chris McInnis must respond with the utmost professionalism and responsibility to ANY and ALL claims of racism, prejudice, discrimination, and bullying involving his staff and students.
M.13 Chris McInnis, like Warren Hoshizaki was with Mary Anne Gage. Showed no sign of caring about the implications or fallout from the applicant’s and his family’s worries. He refused to seize the initiative, conducting a thorough and objective investigation and giving careful consideration to the parents concerns regarding Jacqueline Ravazzolo’s racist actions against their son.
M.14 Instead giving Jacqueline Ravazzolo the opportunity to take control of her own situation. Which resulted in Chris McInnis finally feeling forced to admit that there was a problem and there was now no going back.
M.15 The situation between Jacqueline Ravazzolo , the applicant and his family escalated from being a compliant to a full blown shit-show of controversy that included lies, deception, cover-ups and racist behavior that caused “harm” towards the applicant.
M.16 It was at this point we believe that Chris McInnis started making plans to “RETIRE” in order to leave Jacqueline Ravazzolo to take care of herself as he attempted to flee and hide behind a retirement.
M.17 It took two years of discriminatory treatment, exposure to racist and prejudiced harm and multiple incidences for the applicant parents to finally be able to show a pattern of abuse, harm and neglect of their son while under the DSBN’s care.
M.18 Moreover, it has been established that, over a two-year period, Christopher McInnis’s activities were not the consequence of a miscommunication or bad judgement, but rather a common practice followed by three DSBN principals in the DSBN educational system.
M.19 Since it is evident that Christopher McInnis’s equally culpable co-defendants Janice Sargeant and Jacqueline Ravazzolo also employed similar racial profiling techniques and DSBN racist practices. His actions are neither unique nor innocent, it is the DSBN usual practice; and it is not a coincidence.
M.20 The applicant was consistently denied assistance and respect due to a consistent pattern of behavior that perceived him as being the troublemaking Black child/student or them being proactive in their protection of a Caucasian students or staff members.

M.21 The Kevin Elzinga and Cameron Stone incidents were merely the icing on the cake to demonstrating that Christopher McInnis’s inaction in response to the applicant’s verbal and physical abuses was driven and motivated by racism and discrimination.
M.22 Christopher McInnis’s destiny was ultimately sealed by Janice Sargeant and her very identical lack of actions in regards to racist Caucasian bullies, a Caucasian teacher Kevin Elzinga who openly permitted and allowed a racist Caucasian student to hurl racist and anti-Black slurs at a fellow Black student, and a Caucasian teacher Cameron Stone to blatantly lied about a fake racial incident that never occurred in his presence.
M.23 The Charter of Rights for the Black applicant, which should shield racialized students from discrimination and bias while they attend their schools, has never been upheld by any of these three principals.
M.24 “However, when Black students and their parents report bullying and threats, they’re often lodging complaints repeatedly over months or sometimes years” according to Darryl Singer.
M.25 And without a database that records all complaints filed with the DSBN or any other school boards. And school boards like the DSBN who refuse to supply parents with these numbers. DSBN employees feel and know they are protected by organizations like the DSBN and Directors of Education like Warren Hoshizaki.
M.26 Because the DSBN won’t maintain statistics on it, we will never know the number of times Christopher McInnis, Jacqueline Ravazzolo, and Janice Sargeant have been accused of acting in a racist manner.
M.27 But consider the possibility that two years prior, a database could had been established that could have demonstrated that Christopher McInnis had been the subject of multiple incidents, making it possible for the legal action against him to have been initiated at that time.
M.28 But due to the convenient policies of protection by Warren Hoshizaki and the DSBN, it’s possible that Christopher McInnis has avoided other allegations over the years from other parents who have called for an investigation into his racist behavior
M.29 Remember the DSBN and Warren Hoshizaki views are;
M.30 Let us remember that the Sudbury Catholic school board only suggested that Stefano Presenza voluntarily remove his racist and transphobic remarks from his social media profiles. And once he complied, the board than deemed the matter as being resolved.
M.31 And it appears like the DSBN, the Sudbury Catholic school board also believes;
M.32 Let us now discuss Christopher McInnis conduct in relation to – The provincial code of conduct and school board codes of conduct.
M.33 All members of the school community must NOT:
- engage in bullying behaviors, including cyberbullying;
- inflict or encourage others to inflict bodily harm on another person
- engage in hate propaganda and other forms of behavior motivated by hate or bias
- Christopher McInnis, like Jacqueline Ravazzolo, implied to the Black applicant that he was worthless and should commit suicide, because he allowed the Caucasian bully Marcus to say it and walk away without and form of consequences.
- Christopher McInnis allowed a Caucasian bully Natasha to walk away without any form of consequences after cornering and physically attacking the applicant and destroying his school work.
- Christopher McInnis allowed a Caucasian vice principal Jacqueline Ravazzolo to treat the applicant in a racist and anti-Black manner and he refused to take the parents concerns seriously about her discriminatory behavior and refused to believe the applicant.
M.34 Christopher McInnis’ actions were obviously supportive of bullying, inciting bullying to incite self-harm in others, and undoubtedly fostering prejudice and hatred among students.
M.35 Among other things, Christopher McInnis permitted two Caucasian students and a Caucasian coworker to harass, attack, lie upon, and discriminate against the Black applicant. Demonstrating his obvious lack of belief in changing the conduct of Caucasian students and employees in the racist culture at the DSBN.
M.36 Under the direction of school boards, principals take a leadership role in the daily operation of a school. They provide this leadership by:
- demonstrating care for the school community and a commitment to student achievement and well-being in a safe, inclusive, and accepting learning environment
- holding everyone under their authority accountable for their own behavior and actions
- empowering students to be positive leaders in their school and community
- communicating regularly and meaningfully with all members of their school community
M.37 Unfortunately having to be repetitious. Christopher McInnis, like Jacqueline Ravazzolo, implied to the Black applicant that he was worthless and should commit suicide, because he allowed the Caucasian bully Marcus to say it and walk away without and form of consequences.
M.38 Christopher McInnis allowed a Caucasian bully Natasha to walk away without any form of consequences after cornering and physically attacking the applicant and destroying his school work.
M.39 Christopher McInnis allowed a Caucasian vice principal Jacqueline Ravazzolo to treat the applicant in a racist and anti-Black manner and he refused to take the parents concerns seriously about her discriminatory behavior and refused to believe the applicant.
M.40 Whether he is retired or not, Christopher McInnis acted with deliberate intent and in a purposefully prejudiced manner when he would deliberately side against the applicant/victim in any confrontation with a bully who was Caucasian.
M.41 And the HRTO must convey this message that it is unacceptable and goes against the DSBN’s and its employees unwavering commitment to promoting fairness and equality between the DSBN and parents through their website updates and emails.
M.42 That parents have a legal right to know and anticipate that their children are protected at school, that the principle will not turn a blind eye to bullying and that racist coworkers will not be permitted to fabricate falsehoods after being exposed for because they are all Caucasian.
M.43 If the HRTO is truly committed to ending racism in our school boards and schools, it must impose serious financial penalties that make it abundantly evident that racism in our school boards and schools is no longer acceptable anymore—or else you and your employees, retired or not will be held financial accountable!