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Caucasian Bully Marcus – Encounter Three
Timeline: September 27, 2021

20.1 On September 27, 2021, the same Caucasian bully Marcus again verbally assaults and violates the applicants Government of Ontario mandated Covid-19 – 6 feet radius.

20.2 When the parents spoke to their son to find out what exactly happened. The parents asked their son why did you apologize for standing up for himself? The applicant replied “I did not want to be the bad kid.” From that point forwarded the requested an explanation from the school.

20.3 That night the parents sent an email addressed to the principal of Connaught Public School, Christopher McInnis about the altercation and the racist actions of his vice- principal Jacqueline Ravazzolo.

20.4 It should be noted that this is now the third time Marcus has been involved with tormenting and harassing the applicant, and instead of Kevin Maddalena explained to both of them that this was “not to happen again” and to respect the Covid-19 spacing rules and the no-touch policy and then sending both students about their business. Kevin Maddalena ought to have brought the two students to the office and informed the vice principal and principal of what transpired and what was said. Instead, he offered excuses for Marcus actions.

20.5 If Kevin Maddalena had taken charge, he would have adhered to DSBN policy and taken the applicant’s account of events seriously. He would have had to express his concerns to Jacqueline Ravazzolo about Marcus racist “You are worthless” and “You should kill yourself” and then she would have deal with it.

20.6 And because Kevin Maddalena did not, it instead became the applicants word against a racist Mrs. Ravazzolo as to if he told her or not.

20.7 At a minimum Kevin Maddalena should have sent the bully Marcus to the office for his “You are worthless” and “You should kill yourself” as it clearly falls under the realms of the

Read More – District School Board Of Niagara Policy School Operations G-28 Student Discipline

20.8 What Kevin Maddalena did was no different than his predecessors and that was ignoring the Black child/student and wrapping it up as it was somehow their fault.

20.9 It is obvious that Kevin Maddalena was unconcerned about the applicant’s reaction to Marcus’s degrading remarks. Kevin Maddalena seems to believe that he is not required to shield the applicant from individuals like Marcus or his willful cruelty.

20.10 What is amazing about all of this is that when Marcus is the aggressor, no one cares, no one see anything. But the moment the applicant reacts to Marcus aggression, suddenly all eyes are focused on the applicant. He now has to explain his actions and behavior to a Kevin Maddalena.

20.11 But, as soon as the Kevin Maddalena hears that Marcus is involved the matter is declared to be moot and everyone is asked to cease and resume their normal activities. This is nothing new for the applicant or his sister. It is a common practice within the Ontario School system. Black students are less likely to get fair treatment!

Read More – Ontario Human Rights Commssion – Under Suspicion: Concerns About Racial Profiling In Education