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The Continuing Use of the Marcus Effect
Discussion: Mary Anne Gage Email – January 13, 2023 – January 30, 2023

62.1 So let us look at another example of the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage carefully crafting the narrative by carefully and deliberately using much selected choice of words.

62.2 The DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage state in their email “In your December 13th email, your response stated that you were teaching your son yourself at home and that he would not be returning to Connaught at this time. With that information, your son will be removed from the school register.”

62.3 Were the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage not privy to their own emails sent between January 13, 2023 and January 20, 2023 requesting that the applicant submit his course selection to them via emails so he could attend the DSBN Thorold Secondary School in September 2023?

62.4 Of course they were, which is why their brash decision to expel the applicant is so puzzling!

62.5 Now let us review the parents email that they have choose to reference from a month and half earlier when they request the applicant fill out his courses for September 2023.

62.6 So put in context the email that the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage are referencing that was sent by the parents on December 13, 2023. Was in response to Mary Anne Gage email sent that same day in regards to learning options for their son to keep him out of Connaught Public School.

62.7 You can see how the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage used only part of the parents statement that “I’m more than comfortable having him home, learning” as justification to remove their son out of their DSBN school system.

62.8 It is clear that the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage decided to only utilize the first half of the parent’s total sentence as their reason for kicking their son out of the DSBN educational system. As you can also see, the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage intentionally left out the words “until this is resolved.”

62.9 The DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage are aware that the parents won’t make concessions and won’t permit their son to return to school as long as these racial concerns are present and aren’t adequately addressed, remaining unresolved.

62.10 Therefore their inadequately made, half statement only serves as their best attempt at any defense and, in their minds, a decisive victory.

62.11 At this moment everyone realizes that if they continue to stay quiet about the applicant’s unfair and racist treatment by Jacqueline Ravazzolo, along with Kevin Maddalena’s apparent lying to help cover-up, to protect his boss. They figure they can subsequently shield both of them from being held accountable and just let the clock do its work until the applicant transfers from elementary to secondary school. Basically they were willing to ride it out for as long as they could.

62.12 And similar to the Caucasian bully Marcus, who abruptly transferred schools overnight. Which caused Jacqueline Ravazzolo’s prejudice and racist treatment of the applicant, as if he were the bully, as well as the applicant’s parents concerns about their son being harassed and physical assaulted while at school. To all vanish immediately as a result of the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage actions to remove the applicant.

62.13 So we have to draw the conclusion that due to the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage’s prior behavior and actions of making no further effort to intervene. Like Marcus, by removing the applicant this from the DSBN school system “further follow-up was not possible.” They must have considered this expulsion as a resounding victory in their eyes as the Marcus Effect would take effect.

62.14 “This information would have lead to a follow-up discussion however, the other student (Marcus) involved moved from Connaught to another school and therefore further follow-up was not possible.”

62.15 Knowing the current situation of the applicant being removed from the DSBN school system. It would have to read like – The student involved left Connaught to be home school and therefore further follow-up was not possible!

62.16 And this is not just the only time the Marcus Effect appears to have been exploited by the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage.

62.17 After the most recent interaction between the bully Hunter bullying on the applicant and his autistic friend. The bully Hunter left Connaught Public School soon after. Nobody in Hunters class was even aware of his intent to suddenly leave prior to him not showing up to school one day.

62.18 The only thing we do know for sure is that the Caucasian bully Hunter abruptly left Connaught Public School following his most recent incident of abusive against a student(s). The DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage once again must have seen the unexpected and sudden removal of the bully Hunter leaving as yet another resounding win in their eyes as the Marcus Effect could once more take effect..

62.19 Another yet another instance of what appears to be the Marcus Effect is when the former principal of Connaught Public School, Christopher McInnis suddenly resigned during the initial height of all this back in December 2021. Christopher McInnis resigned without giving any notification to the Connaught Public School family’s that he was leaving to now suddenly retire only after being at the school for 3 months.

62.20 As Christopher McInnis turned a blind eye to the racist behavior and culture at Connaught Public School. It can be assumed that the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage once again saw this unexpected and sudden resignation of Christopher McInnis as yet another resounding win in their eyes as the Marcus Effect could once more take effect.

62.21 We are not yet finished. Additionally, there has recently been the expected resignation of Warren Hoshizaki, which will happen in a few months. Given his long history of adopting unethical, unequal, and discriminatory recruiting and employee promotion methods, is anyone really surprised? His workplace culture was also exploited against the applicant and his family in addition to his indisputably terrible handling of this blatantly discriminatory situation.

62.22 And yet again, the DSBN once again saw this unexpected and sudden resignation of Warren Hoshizaki as yet another resounding win in their eyes as the Marcus Effect could once more take effect.

62.23 It seems more than just a simple coincidence that all of the people who have helped bring this issue to its current state have either changed schools or abruptly resigned.