The Applicant/Problem Student Was Finally Removed
Discussion: Mary Anne Gage Email – January 30, 2023
61.1 After providing the necessary documentation to enroll in Thorold Secondary School at Mary Anne Gage’s request, the applicant/problem student than was formally deregistered from attending this school 17 days later.
61.2 With the obvious consent of the DSBN and Warren Hoshizaki. Mary Anne Gage removed the applicant/problem student from the DSBN school system on January 30, 2023. Essentially they attempted to shove the problem out the door and shut it behind him.
From: Mary Anne Gage
Dated: January 30, 2023
Hello, We want you to know that your son is always welcome at Connaught school, and we hope he will return to finish the year with his peers. Last month you were presented with various options that would support your son to continue his learning while we worked through the concerns that have been brought forward.
In your December 13th email, your response stated that you were teaching your son yourself at home and that he would not be returning to Connaught at this time. With that information, your son will be removed from the school register.
In the meantime, we will continue to share any information related to your son transition to secondary school.
To: Mary Anne Gage
Dated: January 30, 2023
Bullshit! What options did you present to keep our son in Connaught school with his friends? The only option he had to go back to your Connaught school was to go bad to the liar Mr. K. Maddalena who called our son a liar in an attempt to protect his racist and liar boss Mrs. J. Ravazzolo.
But you are sure in a hurry to get him out of that Connaught school and somewhere else! So you can try and convince your racist self and your racist Director Mr. Warren Hoshizaki that you care about my son, but you have done nothing other than try and pawn him off onto someone else in an attempt to hide all the racist shit you and the DSBN do to him! Do not unregister my son form school.
61.3 As you can see, despite having urged them to register their son a week and a half earlier, the parents immediately blame Mary Anne Gage for wanting to abruptly remove their son from the DSBN school system in an attempt to silence the racist issues that was in front of them. The DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Mary Anne Gage, Kevin Maddalena, and Jacqueline Ravazzolo ultimately obtained the results they had been hoping for and manipulating the situation for as it has now come full circle. And the purpose of that was to let the Marcus Effect happen by removing the applicant from the DSBN school system.
61.4 Recall how the Black applicant and his parents were denied justice or accountability for Marcus’s cruel and hateful statements that were directed directly at him? And because he transferred to a new school, in an effort to protect Jacqueline Ravazzolo. The DSBN, led by Warren Hoshizaki Christopher McInnis and now Mary Anne Gage claimed that because Marcus “moved from Connaught to another school… therefore further follow-up was not possible.”
61.5 It is obvious that their only objective in removing the applicant was to maintain their racist ideology and themselves. “Further follow-up was not possible” as the Black applicant had “moved from Connaught” at this point.
61.6 It is also obvious that the decision to remove the applicant from the DSBN school system was a hasty one. Who made this call is the sole remaining mystery? Was it Warren Hoshizaki, Mary Anne Gage or even Jennifer Feren their in-house attorney?
61.7 Someone believed this was a brilliant idea and that it would be a great method to divert attention from the problem of their racist behavior during the remainder of the applicants eighth grade year.
61.8 What do you think they were trying to accomplish with this sudden and enigmatic action? Evidently, ten days earlier, they had accepted the applicant’s course selection and were well prepared to send them to Connaught Public School, which would have then sent them on to Thorold Secondary School, allowing the applicant to be registered for secondary school using the same DSBN school system.
61.9 This dubious and unscrupulous action simply supports what the parents have been saying since the whole situation began in September 2021. The DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Mary Anne Gage, Christopher McInnis, Kevin Maddalena and Jacqueline Ravazzol never intended to look into or take appropriate action against their own discriminatory behavior.
61.10 This was their last attempt to delegate the work off to the clock. By removing the problematic Black child/student from the system, putting off the parents concerns and waiting until the applicant starts secondary school in September 2023. They were hoping that this matter would resolve itself.
61.11 At this point, the child/student is currently not even registered in the Connaught Public School, let alone be in the DSBN school system itself. Does anyone actually believe that the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Mary Anne Gage, Kevin Maddalena and Jacqueline Ravazzolo were now suddenly going to share any information regarding their interactions with their son when he wasn’t even enrolled?
61.12 Out of two alternative eventualities, this rash action was taken. They either believed that it was a very clever solution to solve the problem. Or two, out of despair and desperation they reasoned that they had nothing to lose, so they decided to just remove the Black child/student, stay keep quiet and see what happens!
61.13 Without a doubt, the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage were NEVER willing to divulge any pertinent information about what had truly happened with their son and DSBN personnel. But give them as much room as they need so they can continue to maintain their lie that they “will continue to share any information related to your son transition to secondary school.”