The Sudden Insertion Of Kevin Maddalena
Discussion: Mary Anne Gage Email – November 08, 2022

31.1 In light of the Mary Anne Gage November 8, 2021 email, the parents noticed a disparity between the description of the events with Jacqueline Ravazzolo’s newly modified, contradictory and false statement.
• While Christopher McInnis said on October 26, 2021, based on the details Jacqueline Ravazzolo gave him, “After discussing the incident with Jacqueline Ravazzolo, it was handled in the normal conflict resolution manner”
• While on November 8, 2022 Mary Anne Gage stated that “she (Jacqueline Ravazzolo) spoke with the applicant in the hallway with his teacher”
31.2 Did you notice Christopher McInnis did not indicate or did it read as “After discussing the incident with Jacqueline Ravazzolo AND HIS TEACHER, it was handled in a normal conflict resolution”
31.3 One has to assume that the principal of Connaught Public School Christopher McInnis should and would have done a complete and thorough investigation when claims of racism and discrimination are alleged to have happened against his own vice principal Jacqueline Ravazzolo.
31.4 Given that a Black child/student has provided such a serious and thorough description of what transpired, one would assume that Christopher McInnis would have talk with EVERYONE who was present at the time these claimed took place.
31.5 It also stands within good reason that Jacqueline Ravazzolo would have told Christopher McInnis that in fact Kevin Maddalena was also present during the conversation and can verify that what the Black child/student was alleging was false.
31.6 But it is clear that Christopher McInnis does not speak to a supporting witness Kevin Maddalena because “After discussing the incident with (ONLY) Jacqueline Ravazzolo, it was handled in the normal conflict resolution manner”
31.7 So why did Christopher McInnis not speak to Kevin Maddalena to collaborate Jacqueline Ravazzolo denials of her racist behavior?
31.8 Because Kevin Maddalena was NOT PRESENT when the applicant was questioned and guilted in the hallway by Jacqueline Ravazzolo. It is that plain and that simple!
31.9 And as the narrative has evolved as a result of Jacqueline Ravazzolo’s tries to change the story in an effort to cover up her discriminatory behavior towards a Black 12-year-old child/student with the assistants of Kevin Maddalena now.
31.10 Jacqueline Ravazzolo is similar to a common criminal who is caught lying; they will attempt to change and revise their previous story to now fit and address the new question that arises about their behavior.
31.11 When a criminal is questioned by the police about a crime more than once, it is not unusual like Jacqueline Ravazzolo, they will changed and amended their account in an effort to downplay the concerns raised by her contradictory words and deeds. That is why the first story is the most accurate! Thus, why the DSBN has always refuse to provide anything other than a very vague and blank recall of events when it involves explaining one of their employees conduct.
31.12 The fact that Kevin Maddalena was now willing to place himself there, at the meeting, at that particular moment was astonishing. The parents then immediately asked their son again to recap his interactions that day with Marcus, Kevin Maddalena and the Jacqueline Ravazzolo.
31.13 The applicant retold his parents precisely what happened as he had done before. That Kevin Maddalena was not present during the meeting because he went back into the classroom after saying, “When your done E* you can come back in.”
31.14 After receiving numerous emails from the parents to Kevin Maddalena and staying silent for over a year and totally ignored them. Kevin Maddalena was now surprisingly willing to share his account of what happened through Mary Anne Gage in defense of his boss Jacqueline Ravazzolo.
To: Kevin Maddalena
Dated: November 08, 2021
November 10, 2021
November 18, 2021
November 27, 2021
October 08, 2022
October 27, 2022
I would like some clarification from you regarding the events of September 27, 2001 when the applicant spoke to Jacqueline Ravazzolo in the hallway. Our son explained to me that
• Mrs. Ravazzolo knocked on your door/frame and you approached her and we will assume that she asked to speak to the applicant.
• You turned and told the applicant that “Mrs. Ravazzolo would like to speak to you outside” and you pointed towards the hallway.
• The applicant got up and walked out to the hallway with Mrs. Ravazzolo and yourself following behind.
• After you 3 were in the hallway, you stated “When your done (Applicants Name) you can come back in” and you then went back into your class.
Is this an accurate account of what happened or is the applicant again lying? Because according to Mrs. Ravazzolo “she spoke with the applicant in the hallway with his teacher” implying you were there for the entire conversation.
31.15 What’s amazing is that Kevin Maddalena is a teacher who claims that the applicant is an inspiration to his classmates. And still he would want to sit back and remain silent and complacent for over an entire year. Refusing the entire time to even acknowledge seeing this exchange between Jacqueline Ravazzolo and the applicant.
31.16 The question here is what suddenly transpired after more than a year and numerous email requests from the parents that now Kevin Maddalena felt the need to intervene, speak up and lie upon on a Black child/student?
31.17 There is no question that Kevin Maddalena left before seeing the exchange; that much is certain. Even Christopher McInnis, the principal at the time, admits that only Jacqueline Rovazzolo spoke with the applicant about the incident with Marcus. “After discussing the incident with Jacqueline Ravazzolo, it was handled in the normal conflict resolution manner”
31.18 After hearing about Kevin Maddalena’s newly discovered voice through Mary Anne Gage. The parents asked their son to get in touch with his classmates about that the day to discuss how Jacqueline Ravazzolo pulled him out of class to have a conversation with him in the school hallway.
31.19 As their son and his classmate talked on Discord. A classmate did confirm that Kevin Maddalena “was only gone for maybe about a minute.”
31.20 This Discord exchange between the applicant and his classmate can be provided, but the student’s user name will be removed in order to protect their identity and give them peace of mind that the DSBN and its employees won’t take any reprisal action against them.
31.21 The classmate is aware and agrees that Kevin Maddalena, their homeroom teacher appears to be “lying” on a Black 12-year-old classmate!
31.22 The classmate knows the applicant to be a student who is courteous, hardworking, discipline-free and respectful to everyone. And seeing that the DSBN is allowing Kevin Maddalena to do this to a model student. Than who are they not to become a target as well?
31.23 If the HRTO agrees in writing to keep the identity of the young student from the applicant class a secret from anyone other than the adjudicator handling the filing. We can and will present the student’s name and discord conversation.
31.24 Mary Anne Gage also claims that Kevin Maddalena was present “To put a number value to this, approximately 2-3 minutes.” in contrast to the classmates and applicant’s continued unchanging memory of Kevin Maddalena being present “for maybe about a minute.”
From: Mary Anne Gage
Dated: November 30, 2022
As I mentioned in my previous email the conversation lasted a couple of minutes. To put a number value to this, approximately 2-3 minutes…
31.25 In an effort to divert attention from the underlying issue at hand and the concerns of the parents. Mary Anne Gage, Jacqueline Ravazzolo and Kevin Maddalena are willing to pit their Caucasian professional reputation, position of authority and age against any child/student, particularly a Black student recollection of events. They are prepared to work in cahoots and use any tool at their disposal to discredit and undermined the applicant even if the accusations against them are valid.
31.26 Even up until the filing Kevin Maddalena still refuses to answer simple YES or NO questions in regards his involvement.
To: Kevin Maddalena
Dated: September 10, 2023
September 12, 2023
September 13, 2023
It is obvious that someone has at some point questioned you about your recollection of events. Did you tell them what our son told you about Marcus’ comments? That Marcus told him he was worthless and should kill himself outside in the playground?
To: Kevin Maddalena
Dated: September 16, 2023
September 19, 2023
This is a simple YES or NO question.
It is obvious that someone has at some point questioned you about your recollection of events. Did you tell them what our son told you about Marcus’ comments? That Marcus told him he was worthless and should kill himself outside in the playground?
31.26 Even up until the filing Kevin Maddalena still refuses to answer simple YES or NO questions in regards his involvement.
31.27 These 5 emails merely pose a simple Yes/No question. Did you Kevin Maddalena ever tell Christopher McInnis, Jacqueline Ravazzolo, or Mary Anne Gage what the applicant told you outside? Because Kevin Maddalena is at a loss for words in response to this inquiry, he once more plays the routine of the sound of crickets.
31.28 If Kevin Maddalena responds with a Yes, this is evidence that it really did happen and suddenly he, Christopher McInnis and Jacqueline Ravazzolo have unquestionably failed to properly investigate or uphold the applicants’ right to attend Connaught Public School without experiencing violence or harassment. Or
31.29 Kevin Maddalena is reluctant to say NO and risk his reputation and career in the hopes that Christopher McInnis, Jacqueline Ravazzolo, and Mary Anne Gage’s oversights in handling this case will not ultimately reveal that he has lied to cover up for his boss’s racist behavior toward a 12-year-old Black child/student.
31.30 Even when Jacqueline Ravazzolo and Kevin Maddalena had multiple offers to meet with the parents to explain what happened and respond to a few brief questions. Both parties were unwilling to become involved.
31.31 You want to know why? Because they would not be together, in the same room and be able to listen to one other’s accounts of what transpired because each meeting required them to be by themselves.
31.32 These meetings would happen simultaneously and quickly after one another denying them the ability to converse and share statements. And as they were unsure of the parent’s questions, they were smart enough to realize that they lacked a creditable enough story that would allow them to bullshit their way through the sit-down without being exposed as liars.
31.33 Mary Anne Gage has attempted to interfere between the parents and Jacqueline Ravazzolo and Kevin Maddalena despite the fact that she was never present. Mary Anne Gage tries to always persuade the parents to meet with ONLY her so that she may go into detail about what actually transpired.
31.34 Why do you think Mary Anne Gage refuses to put Jacqueline Ravazzolo and Kevin Maddalena’s recollection of the events in an email to the parents?
31.35 How does Mary Anne Gage, a third party involved, even begin to believe that she can accurately provide answers to the parent’s questions designated for Jacqueline Ravazzolo and Kevin Maddalena in a meeting?
31.36 Mary Anne Gage cannot! She interferes because she knows that she is simply in over her head in her attempts to defend and protect Jacqueline Ravazzolo and Kevin Maddalena.
31.37 Mary Anne Gage now recognizes that the only course of action she has is to continue to protect Jacqueline Ravazzolo and Kevin Maddalena as she is protecting herself, her job and her reputation. Mary Anne Gage job right now is to keep Jacqueline Ravazzolo and Kevin Maddalena from being investigated and being held accountable for their acts. A.K.A. her actions!
31.38 Mary Anne Gage, who had only recently begun her new position as Trustee, instinctively sided with the DSBN as most people would. Thinking that this kind of bigotry and intolerance does not occur in DSBN schools. And to her astonishment learning that she is now trapped in the center and has made the decision to save her career and not hold DSBN employees accountable for their racist behavior.