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The Overnight Moving of Marcus
Discussion: Mary Anne Gage Email – November 08, 2021

30.1 This is by far the strongest and most damning evidence of the racist and discriminative behavior of the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Christopher McInnis and Jacqueline Ravazzolo.

30.2 Immediately following this situation between the Caucasian bully Marcus and the applicant. Marcus suddenly and suspiciously transferred to a new school overnight.

30.3 Upon Marcus leaving Connaught Public School and transfer to another school the night after this event. The DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Christopher McInnis and Jacqueline Ravazzolo abandoned all efforts to investigate or impose any form of discipline or correctional behavior on Marcus for his racist, hateful and hurtful statements of “You are worthless” and “You should kill yourself” against a Black 12-year-old child/student because he suddenly, unexpectedly and conveniently transferred to a new school.

30.4 As stated by Mary Anne Gage in her November 8, 2021 email to the applicants parents. “That evening you shared via email more information with the school to explain from your son’s perspective what lead up to the incident. This information would have lead to a follow-up discussion however, the other student involved moved from Connaught to another school and therefore further follow-up was not possible.”

30.5 The statement makes it abundantly clear that Marcus actions were inappropriate and required attention since they set the stage for further discussion. But did the DSBN gave the Caucasian bully Marcus parents a pass because they discovered a flaw in the DSBN’s student discipline policy?

30.6 The DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Christopher McInnis and Jacqueline Ravazzolo invent and cooked up this flimsy justification for why they were unable to confront Marcus about the offensive things he had said to the applicant.

30.7 It appears that within the DSBN, if a student transfers schools, like the Caucasian bully Marcus did. No element of ANY of the student discipline policies could ever be enforced against them for any reason, according to the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Christopher McInnis and Jacqueline Ravazzolo justification for not following up.

30.8 Let us be clear that the government of Ontario Student Discipline Policy is in effect regardless of the school the Caucasian bully Marcus attended. And nowhere in the DSBN Student Discipline Policy does it indicate that an inquiry into a student’s conduct must end if the student changes schools while it is still open and ongoing.

30.9 It is evident by their words that the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Christopher McInnis and Jacqueline Ravazzolo had closed the investigation and had no vested interest in attempting to uphold the applicant’s entitlement to equal treatment and protection while enrolled at their school.

30.10 Instead they tried to intimidate and lie to the parents into giving up on this matter as they told a blatant and significant lie “the other student involved (Marcus) moved from Connaught to another school and therefore further follow-up was not possible.”

30.11 This relates to the reason why Jacqueline Ravazzolo is adamant about refusing to acknowledge that the applicant told her that Marcus told him “You are worthless” and that she cut him off half way through his explanation.

30.12 If Jacqueline Ravazzolo now acknowledges that the applicant did tell her that he was told “You are worthless” and if was able to continue and explained he was told that “You should kill yourself.”

30.13 The obvious follow-up inquiry with her was going to be: Why did you not follow up with Marcus? However, she made the deliberate and deceitful decision to hide the conversation between her and the applicant in an effort to protect and shield herself and the bully Marcus from being held accountable.

30.14 Marcus certainly broke the DSBN STUDENT DISCIPLINE policy by what he did to the applicant over the course of two weeks.

Read More – DSBN G28 Student Discipline

30.15 Marcus certainly broke the GOVERNMENT OF ONTARIO EDUCATION AND TRAINING ON BULLYING policy by what he did to the applicant over the course of two weeks.

Read More – DSBN Bullying Prevention And Intervention

Read the legal definition of bullying in the Education Act.

Read More – CanLII Education Act

Read More – DSBN G29 Bullying Prevention And Intervention

30.16 Marcus certainly broke the DSBN CODE OF CONDUCT FOR SCHOOLS policy by what he did to the applicant over the course of two weeks.

Read More – DSBN Code Of Conduct

Read More – Government Of Ontario – Bullying – We Can All Help Stop it

30.17 Marcus certainly violates the DSBN SAFE SCHOOLS policy by what he did to the applicant over the course of two weeks. Is It is the policy of the District School Board of Niagara (DSBN) to foster and maintain a safe environment for its students, staff and community through the implementation of effective measures to ensure safety and security in schools and at school sponsored events..

Read More – DSBN G28 Student Discipline

30.18 Let us put the emphases on the fact that these are four government approved and mandated policies that are put in place to ensure that students like the applicant can feel safe at school.

30.19 That were created and supposed to be enforced specifically for bullies like the Caucasian Marcus who fearlessly tormented and verbally and physically abused the applicant and eventually cannot be held accountable for his actions because he moved to another school from the applicant.

30.20 The DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Christopher McInnis and Jacqueline Ravazzolo literally overnight decided that Marcus was no longer subject to the DSBN or Government of Ontario mandated policies that were particularly established with the intend to be applied to bullies like the Caucasian Marcus simply because he moved overnight to a new school.

30.21 Keep in mind that the Caucasian bully Marcus has a past that the DSBN workforce ay Connaught Public School was well aware of;

  • From the second week of school, Marcus started tormenting, taunting and physically pushing/assaulting the applicant.
  • The applicant asked for assistance from DSBN staff which ignored his request for help on the matter.
  • Marcus again started following the applicant around the schoolyard tormenting and taunting him.
  • The applicant AGAIN asked for assistance from DSBN staff which ignored his request for help on the matter.
  • Fearlessly called the French teacher E. Bourke “A FUCKING BITCH!”
  • Told the applicant “You are worthless” and “You should kill yourself”
  • Kevin Maddalena explained to the applicant that “You need to get use to his (Marcus) behavior” and the “swearing” as this was normal behavior for Marcus.

30.22 And yet, the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Christopher McInnis, Jacqueline Ravazzolo and now Mary Anne Gage have all purposefully pardoned and protected the bully Marcus for his racially offensive and extremely verbally and physically abusive and morally repugnant actions against the applicant because – HE MOVED!

30.23 According to the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Christopher McInnis, Jacqueline Ravazzolo and Mary Anne Gage this is unquestionably the case. When a bully switches schools, the DSBN Student Discipline, Code of Conduct for Schools, Safe Schools and the Government of Ontario Education and Training on Bullying is not applicable and cannot be enforced against Marcus.

30.24 The DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Christopher McInnis and Jacqueline Ravazzolo and Mary Anne Gage could have, but instead merely decide not to.

30.25 And this was their preferred method to choose on how to defend the Black applicant who was being harassed, assaulted and taunted by a Caucasian bully named Marcus.

30.26 What the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Christopher McInnis, Jacqueline Ravazzolo and Mary Anne Gaga did was to implement their own form of Priest Shuffling. It appears that the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Christopher McInnis and Jacqueline Ravazzolo and Mary Anne Gage have studied the Catholic Church and their “Pope” for their inspiration.

30.27 The story and background of the Vatican’s Priest Shuffling are well known and document to all of us. In order to avoid having to deal with their predator priest who frequently and fearlessly assaulted, raped and murdered children. Their “Pope” would shuffle a predator priest from one parish to another. Giving them a free pass to carry on with their predatory behaviors by allowing them to still have one-on-one interactions with children rather than working to have them excommunicated from “The Church,” arrested, and charged.

30.28 Here, is just a different example of the same thing. In an effort to avoid having to reprimand Marcus the bully and the racist Jacqueline Ravazzolo. The DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Christopher McInnis, Jacqueline Ravazzolo and Mary Anne Gage propose the bully Marcus parent(s) to suddenly and unexpectedly move their child to a new school?

30.29 What we do know as a FACT is that the Caucasian bully Marcus was allowed to

  • walk away without any discipline policies being applied.
  • continuously harassed and physically assaulted the Black applicant and not a single DSBN employee chose to step in when the application asked for help.
  • use derogatory language and conduct with DSBN staff.

30.30 We also know as a FACT that;

  • a Black child/student was guilted into apologize to his Caucasian tormentor and bully Marcus.
  • the Caucasian bully Marcus never had to apologize to the applicant for his unacceptable and targeting behavior.
  • an email sent the same night to the principal of Connaught Public School, Christopher McInnis in regards to Marcus behavior that day “would have lead to a follow-up discussion however, the other student involved moved from Connaught to another school and therefore further follow-up was not possible.”
  • the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Christopher McInnis, Jacqueline Ravazzolo and Mary Anne Gage claim the situation was “handled in the normal conflict resolution manner” and in their opinion the Black child/student received fair and unbiased treatment.
  • the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Christopher McInnis, Jacqueline Ravazzolo and Mary Anne Gage see nothing wrong with what Jacqueline Ravazzolo did during the entire process and they believe that the Black child/student has no right to complain about anything.
  • the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Christopher McInnis, Jacqueline Ravazzolo and Mary Anne Gage have never and refuse to offer any form of detailed explanation for the racist interaction between Jacqueline Ravazzolo and the applicant.

30.31 This type of behavior and beliefs by the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Christopher McInnis, Jacqueline Ravazzolo and Mary Anne Gage is called Systemic (Systematic/Structural/Institutional) Racism and White Fragility.

30.32 As the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Christopher McInnis, Jacqueline Ravazzolo and Mary Anne Gage have NEVER taken any action to protect the applicant at any time and instead choose to try and used blatant lies, misinformation and stall tactics to conceal it their behavior.

30.33 They have deliberately declined to do a proper investigation into the applicant’s allegations made regarding Marcus and his cruel behavior.

30.34 They have deliberately declined to do a proper investigation into the applicant’s allegations made regarding Jacqueline Ravazzolo racist behavior.

30.35 Maybe one could assume the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Christopher McInnis, Jacqueline Ravazzolo and Mary Anne Gage came to the conclusion that Marcus’s new school would deal with his persistent inexcusable behavior and lack of control, so they decided to close the incomplete investigation.

30.36 NO, THEY QUIT their investigation the overnight because they disapproved of a BLACK child/student make claims towards a Caucasian student and a Caucasian Jacqueline Ravazzolo. They collectively and knowingly resolved not to pursue the matter any further even though it was “possible.”

30.37 That despite violating so many different policies nothing was ever done about Marcus labeling a Black student “You are worthless” and advised him “You should kill yourself.”

30.38 The reason students like Marcus exist in the DSBN and behave the way they do, is because of Systemic (Systematic/Structural/Institutional) Racism like the DSBN and their personal protection of racist like Jacqueline Ravazzolo.

30.39 The DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Christopher McInnis, Jacqueline Ravazzolo and Mary Anne Gage have tried to get their lies in order and figure out ways to try and discredit a Black 12-year-old the child/student because there is a lot more on the line other than just Marcus and his racist and undeniable ignorant behavior.

30.40 It has at this point escalated to now be;

  1. 2 teachers calling a Black 12-year-old child/student a liar,
  2. a racist vice principal that acted bias and discriminatory against a Black child/student,
  3. a vice principal that favors and protects a Caucasian bullies,
  4. a teacher put himself in a conversation that he was not present for, in an attempt to protect his boss,
  5. a school trustee who condones, actively protects and enables racist behavior,
  6. a DSBN that is racist, bias, discriminatory and sexist while under the leader ship of Warren Hoshizaki.