Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week
At Thorold Secondary School
76.1 The fact that the applicant experienced bullying during Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week once more is not shocking. Let’s discuss the irony of it all once more!
76.2 A racialized student is being bullied in a school board where there is a culture of racism and racist behavior. And during Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week, what did the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Janice Sargeant, the principal of Thorold Secondary School do to help end the bullying culture? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!
76.3 Janice Sargeant makes NO efforts during the entire week to address the issue of bullying over the PA system, send out a letter or email, or have an assembly, NOTHING!!! Only if you went on the DSBN website would you have learned that it was Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week at Thorold Secondary School.

76.4 But on that Thursday, November 23, 2023 during Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week. Janice Sargeant did find it important enough that she needed to talk about Domestic Abuse towards Woman at some length over the schools PA system. Ignoring the fact that it was not December 6, 2023 which is The National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women Day according to the DSBN calendar.
76.5 It appears that Janice Sargeant was more concerned about protecting her female counterparts, while she marginalized Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week at her own Thorold Secondary School.
76.6 At this stage of the game, the DSBN and Warren Hoshizaki and the racist culture at the DSBN don’t even bother to try and pretend they care anymore about racism or bullying. At Thorold Secondary School they do not do assemblies, PA announcements, emails, pamphlets, newsletters, school work, NOTHING to address bullying!
76.7 Review Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week day on the DSBN calendar it states;

76.8 “During Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week – Ontario students, schools staff and parents are encouraged to learn more about bullying and its effect on student learning and well-being. (Ontario)”
76.9 After reading the DSBN and Warren Hoshizaki caption that was assigned to their calendar for this day. The fact that they took no action whatsoever to address bullying should come as no surprise. It clearly states in black and white that THEY ARE ONLY ENCOURAGING students, schools staff and parents to learn more about the effects of bullying.
76.10 Hence why Janice Sargeant clearly figured that it was not her job to promote and address the ending of bullying in her school. Just like when Janice Sargeant clearly figured it was not her job to address a racist Caucasian student who was permitted to use racist epithets towards a Black student in her school, with a DSBN staff member Kevin Elzinga standing by indifferently!
76.11 So does it sound like the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Janice Sargeant behavior during Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week cared about;
• Honoring student voices – we (DSBN) want to understand your thoughts, viewpoints and experiences.
• Equity it is at the core of our (DSBN) beliefs and we use our resources to promote it.
• A two-way dialogue with parents and community partners.
76.12 No, it does not! Instead it sounds like a lot of nonsense intended to fool the public, all the while concealing the truth! The fact is that the DSBN and Warren Hoshizaki lack the discipline and moral values needed to uphold the rights of racialized students, all the while practicing their discriminatory recruiting and promotion practices they engaged in for almost 20 years, and well, you all know the rest.
76.13 Following the two years that the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and the co-defendants deliberately failed to protect and of shield the applicant from the racist and abusive behavior, assaults and harassment from staff and students, as well as endless emails from the parents admonishing them for their discriminatory behavior and actions.
76.14 One would have assumed that SOMEONE at the DSBN, possibly even Warren Hoshizaki, would have at some point suggested that perhaps we ought to take action and demonstrate our concerns about racism and bullying within our school board. That if we won’t hire their racialized parents, let us at least try to appear as though we care about their racialized students who get bullied in our schools.
76.15 And that brings us to February 2024, “Black History Month.”