There Is Always A Catch
58.1 From the very beginning the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Mary Anne Gage, Christopher McInnis and Jacqueline Ravazzolo never had any intentions of ever looking into any of the parents concerns. They never investigated or giving a single better explanation to any of the parents concerns.
58.2 The DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Mary Anne Gage and Jacqueline Ravazzolo knew the applicant was unable to return to school. That the parents were not going to subject their son anymore to being a victim of the racist and discriminatory behavior of Connaught Public School workforce and students. So at the point, the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Mary Anne Gage and Jacqueline Ravazzolo prepared to engage in a waiting game.
58.3 Additionally, if the applicant transferred to another school to complete his final year/eighth-grade year. The Marcus factor is brought into play again, because the applicant “moved from Connaught to another school and therefore further follow-up was not possible.“
58.4 Thus, as the 2022–2023 school year ended and the candidate has now transferred from Connaught Public School to high school. It opens the door and gives Jacqueline Ravazzolo, Kevin Maddalena, S. Masterson and Mary Anne Gage a free pass and the freedom to continue their unfair, prejudiced and discriminatory actions towards other racialized students.
58.5 And that is why the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Mary Anne Gage and Jacqueline Ravazzolo made no efforts to address the parent concerns or tried to seriously re-enroll the applicant back into Connaught Public School. They WANTED to keep him out and let the clock do their work for them.
58.6 The applicant wanted to go back to Connaught Public School and be with his friends, but the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Mary Anne Gage and Jacqueline Ravazzolo were not interested. But instead of Mary Anne Gage offering real “solutions” to get the applicant swiftly back into Connaught Public School and enrolled in Mr. Thomas another grade 7/8 split class. She decided never to offer this “solution!”
58.7 The DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Mary Anne Gage and Jacqueline Ravazzolo were uninterested in the applicant’s desire to return to Connaught Public School and spend time with his friends. Instead they provide impractical “solutions” to quickly re-enroll the applicant into a different school and not back into his “Home School” into Mr. Thomas class.
58.8 We all remember who Mr. Thomas is? He is the single Black Teacher at Connaught Public School who makes up only sole 2% of the entire workforce at the school.
58.9 However, one has to assume that their justification for not offering this “solution” will be that it is unfair for a student to be forced to switch classes for the applicant.
58.10 Keep in mind that;
- By refusing to discipline all the Caucasian students who assaulted and tormented the applicant,
- By refusing to properly and fairly investigate one of their own about their racist and discriminatory behavior,
- By refusing to question two of their own about the possibility of lying about a student’s recollection of events,
- By refusing to properly and fairly investigate one of their own about racist and discriminatory hutting behavior,
- By refusing to supply the parents with a reasonable and accurate account of events from one of their own,
- By refusing to uphold their mandated responsibilities when they unjustly and illegally suspended/expelled the
- applicant for 12 days,
- By refusing to help the applicant when seeking assistance when being bullied,
- By refusing to uphold the law and unlawfully tried to steal the applicants phone,
- By refusing to try and have the applicant return to Connaught Public School,
58.11 The DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Mary Anne Gage and Jacqueline Ravazzolo deliberately created this predicament. And as of right now, it has only been the applicant who has suffered as a result of their spiteful attitude and refusal to provide a safe and inclusive learning environment for him.
58.12 Keep in mind that the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Mary Anne Gage and Jacqueline Ravazzolo never offered any “solution” that would enable the applicant to return his “Home School” of more than 3 years. Nothing!
58.13 But the only real “solution” the parents had was to keep their son safe and out of school. It is evident from the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Mary Anne Gage and Jacqueline Ravazzolo lack of effort to have the applicant reinstated; that they continued to support and hide all the racist, prejudiced and bias actions being perpetrated against the applicant while at Connaught Public School.
58.14 When the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage did present something, unrelated. It too always came with a “however” attached! A couple of examples include;
58.15 Consider the time Mary Anne Gage was only prepared to LISTEN to the parents concerns regarding Jacqueline Ravazzolo’s discriminating actions when she tries to dangle the promise to “unpack” all the information they needed to address and resolve their concerns, but it again can ONLY take place in a face-to-face meeting.
To: Mary Anne Gage
Dated: February 21, 2023
Let us get a sit down meeting with Kevin Maddalena and Jacqueline Ravazzolo and whoever else wishes to be present. I would like to ask them both some questions about their interaction with my son about the day he had the altercation with Marcus.
It should only take about 10 minutes per individual to answer some questions I have to clarify the day’s events. The environment will need to be that each individual will be question separately away from the other, not being present in the same room at the same time.
Also the questions periods will run back to back as to not allow any communication between these two parties to happen outside of anyone’s presences. After a few questions, I am sure we all will be able to detriment if they are telling the truth or not.
I would expect no issue in granting this request as they have nothing to hide and therefore should have absolutely no issue in recalling the events of that day and answering a few questions from a parent.
If this is not professional enough, I can get a lawyer to assist me and come along, and they can get their union lawyers? That works for me also. Let me know.
From: Mary Anne Gage
Dated: February 22, 2023
Hello, As an initial step, I can meet with you to unpack the incident that occurred in the Fall of 2021 and hopefully begin to work out a plan to support your son’s return to school. I can arrange time and space at the Education Centre or we can arrange a time for a phone call if you prefer.
Also, regarding the email you sent this morning, Mr. McInnis retired from the DSBN at the end of December, 2021. Connaught was the last school he worked in. Look forward to hearing from you to set up a meeting.
58.16 Because of this the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage are only willing to “unpack the incident that occurred in the autumn 2021” and ONLY then “will begin to work out a plan” to get the applicant back to school if only they all show up to a face-to-face meeting.
58.17 Since October 28, 2022, the applicant has been absent from school for 50 weeks and the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, Mary Anne Gage and Jacqueline Ravazzolo have still never offer any action, “solutions” or “unpack” the parents’ concerns. Why? Because completing that task would have required the usage of emails.
58.18 The parents replied to this email by asking about their conditional unpacking.
To: Gage, Mary Anne
Warren Hoshizaki
Dated: February 22, 2023
And again why is it I have to meet with you in person in order for you to “unpack” the entire incident that happened with my son in your school?
And once again the only way that we can “unpack” the whole situation that happened that day is if I come in to your school.
Why could you not “unpack” it in an email with specifics and exact details what was said instead of the past 2 vague emails as to what happened?
A meeting with you is irrelevant and useless. Unless you wish to put your name on an affidavit swearing to the truthfulness of their statements. We have nothing in common and we have nothing to talk about. You cannot speak for them, and you most certainly cannot answer questions for them as you were not there.
58.19 The game continues. Yet another illustration of how the DSBN will withhold and hold hostage any information you want regarding the safety of your child at any costs in order to avoid a paper trail.
58.20 Do you know what the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage said in response?
58.21 They went completely silence on the matter. They would prefer to disregard legitimate questions about this subject even when confronted with them, just like they do with the parents when they express concern about their racist behavior towards their son.
58.22 And this is considered to be communication by the DSBN?
58.23 Another instance of the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage holding a parent’s concerns hostage can be seen here.
To: Ravazzolo, Jacqueline
Mary Anne Gage
Dated: October 07, 2022
As you have indefinitely suspend our son, I would like for you to forward my number XXX-XXX-XXXX to ( Autistic Student Name) parents and ask them to please call me. I would like you to explain to them that I wish to speak to them about their son who is bullied and teased at your school. They have a right to hear it from a concern parent and fellow student who has witnessed this. If you choose not to.
I will forward my number through my son his friend parents explaining that I have made this request through you and that you refused. They most certainly have the right to know and be informed about their son’s best interest and safety while in your school under your staffs care.
Please confirm if have not done so. If I hear nothing back, I will automatically assume you did not and will take an alternative and appropriate steps to get in contact with them myself.
58.24 The DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage response on October 7, 2022 to the parents request was “In regard to your request of sharing your phone number with another student’s family, we can discuss this at our meeting.”
From: Mary Anne Gage
Jacqueline Ravazzolo
Dated: October 07, 2022
Hello, in response to your email please know that your son has not been suspended from Connaught School. However, the incident that your son was involved in yesterday requires us to meet with yourself and your son to ensure the safety of all students, including your son, is maintained at our school.
The regular process is that a principal speaks with all parties involved. You have been very clear that you do not want anyone speaking with your son without you present. We are attempting to book this meeting with you in order to move forward. We want to work together to have a positive and safe experience for your son. If it is your preference to not meet at Connaught School, we can arrange to meet at the Education Centre or have a phone conference.
In regard to your request of sharing your phone number with another student’s family, we can discuss this at our meeting.
58.25 The DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage can be seen trying to exploit the applicant’s parents request to forward their phone number to a classmate and close friend of the applicant. The DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage take this as another attempt to use it as a negotiating tactic to bring the applicant into the facility so he can interview.
58.26 The DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage are not permitted to decide whether a parent should be able to speak with another parent in regards to events that happen at a DSBN school involving their children. Is it up to the parents of autistic students to decide whether to make that phone call to the applicants parents or not!
58.27 The DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage took it upon themselves to decide to screen and block whether or not the applicant parents request should be honored!
58.28 Absolutely no privacy issue had been violated, and there was no safety concern to address. The DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage were actually perfectly capable of doing it because they were willing to “discuss” the issue during the meeting.
58.29 If the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage were not permitted to forward the applicants parents number, what was the point of the meeting? Then they should have stated in the email that they lacked the power or ability to forward the number when drafting the email despite a meeting or not.
58.30 Therefore, either the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage refused to let the father tell the autistic students parents about what happened on that day because they were afraid of the heat and pressure they would now start receiving from that family. Or they falsely perpetrated their willingness to do it, after a face to face meeting despite knowing they lacked the authority or ability to do so.
58.31 However, the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage were undoubtedly attempting to prevent and hinder the applicant’s parents from alerting the parents of the autistic student of the daily harassment that their child faces, similar the applicant’s other racialized friend.