Director of Educations Key Leadership Priorities
G.1 It has been listed below what the DSBN considers the Director of Educations Key Leadership Priorities to be. At this point it is not the applicant’s responsibility to explain if Warren Hoshizaki lived up to the spirt and responsibilities of his title.
G.2 It is now time for Warren Hoshizaki to explain if he did or did not live up to the spirt and responsibilities of his title as Director of Education for the DSBN?
G.3 It is also time for the HRTO to decide if Warren Hoshizaki did or did not live up to the spirt and responsibilities of his title as Director of Education for the DSBN?
G.4 Keeping in mind when deciding if Warren Hoshizaki did or did not live up to the spirt and responsibilities of his title as Director of Education for the DSBN? The applicant had now been;
- Victimized and bullied by Caucasian students who verbally and physically abused him multiple times over a two year period.
- Discriminated against by a Caucasian vice president named Jacqueline Ravazzolo who was willing to imply the applicant was a liar to cover up her own racist actions and maintain her employment with the DSBN.
- Discriminated against by a Caucasian Kevin Maddalena, who had made an abrupt and timely entrance in a conversation after being unmentioned for more than a year in an attempt to defend and protect Jacqueline Ravazzolo, his supervisor from being held accountable for her racist actions.
- Discriminated against by a Caucasian Kevin Maddalena who also implied the applicant was a liar in an attempt to defend and protect Jacqueline Ravazzolo, his supervisor from being held accountable for her racist actions.
- Suspended/expelled for a period of twelve days without cause by the DSBN and Caucasians Warren Hoshizaki , Mary Anne Gage.
- Forced to endure multiple physical assaults, harassment and tormenting by a Caucasian bully named Marcus over a two week period. And when the applicant went to seeking help and assistance from school employees. They refused to intervene and told the applicant he “should play somewhere else” and “find something else to do and keep away from him.”
- Marcus, the Caucasian bully told the applicant that “you are worthless” and “you should kill yourself.” And was allowed to walk away free of any disciplinary punishment by Jacqueline Ravazzolo and Christopher McInnis for his racist and inappropriate behavior.
- Jacqueline Ravazzolo at the approval of Christopher McInnis effectively marginalized the Black applicant’s version of events with the Caucasian bully Marcus as she guilted him into apologizing so he could be the “Good Kid” to a smiling Caucasian bully Marcus.
- Watching Kevin Maddalena, his homeroom teacher, refuses to assist him when seeking help, and actively attempted to prevent him from improving in his academic performance by refusing to obligate his promise to assign extra work to the applicant while making ridicules excuses of “inequity.”
- Over the course of two days racially harassed, hunted, threatened with unwarranted punishment and discriminatorily treated differently by a Caucasian teacher, S. Masterson for absolutely no justifiable reason.
- At the approval of the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki, watching Mary Anne Gage do everything within her powers to prevent the applicant from returning to Connaught Public School by only offering solutions that kept him segregated from all students or was forced to return to a classes when there was a poisoned relationship with his teacher Kevin Maddalena due to his own prejudice, spiteful and deliberate behavior towards the applicant and his family.
- Subjected to listen to the use of racist slurs from a Caucasian student towards a Black student in class while a Caucasian teacher Kevin Elzinga, who has acknowledges the incident and admits to doing nothing to stop it.
- Forced to watch the Caucasian principal of Thorold Secondary School, Janice Sargeant declined to address and confront the same Caucasian student about his anti-Black actions and behavior.
- Forced to watch Cameron Stone manufactured a fictitious racial incident involving himself in an effort to cast doubt on the honesty of his claims about a racist incent that took place at Thorold Secondary School.
- Once again forced by the DSBN, Warren Hoshizaki and Mary Anne Gage to accept solutions that prevented the applicant from returning to geography class by only offering solutions that kept him segregated from all students or was forced to return to a geography class where they refused to interact with him and made jester that he was disabled.
- Taunted by two Caucasian students who purposefully talked aloud in an attempt to elicit a response from the applicant by claiming that he failed geography class and was removed because he was stupid and Black.
- Referred to as the inappropriate term “Hey Black kid…” while passing through the Thorold Secondary School hallway.
G.5 So let us now read what according to the DSBN is the Director of Educations Key Leadership Priorities to be.
i. “Student Achievement – The Director will ensure that students come first, and that all students have the opportunity and support to achieve their full potential and success in safe, inclusive, and nurturing environments. The Director will lead and champion continuous innovation and excellence in teaching and learning to support student achievement. They will continue to advance DSBN in new, creative directions that prepare students for their futures.”
G.6 Did Warren Hoshizaki ensure since September 2021 that the applicant always came first, and had opportunities and support offered to him to achieve his full potential and success in a safe, inclusive and nurturing environment by teachers and students that help prepare him for his future while he was being?
ii. “Mental Health and Well-being – The Director will provide leadership to promote and support the social/emotional/physical/mental health and well-being of all staff and students across the system. They will provide visible and intentional leadership which ensures that all DSBN students are in learning environments that prioritize mental health and well-being as critical to achievement.”
G.7 Did Warren Hoshizaki ensure and provide proper leadership to promote and support the social/emotional/physical/mental health and well-being of the applicant? Did he provide “visible” and intentional leadership that ensured that the applicant was learning in an environment that prioritize mental health and well-being as that is critical to academic success?
iii. “Human Rights, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion – The Director will be a bold leader who embraces human rights, equity, diversity and inclusion. They will be committed to ensuring respectful, inclusive and safe environments for students and staff across the entire organization and will provide visible leadership in implementing systemic processes to advance human rights, equity, diversity and inclusion across the organization. They will ensure that barriers to opportunity and equity of access for all are identified and addressed. The Director will ensure that DSBN is strategically prepared to welcome and address the needs of a growing and increasingly diverse student and community population.”
G.8 Was Warren Hoshizaki a bold leader who embraced and enforced the applicant’s human rights to equity, diversity and inclusion? Did he ensure that all barriers to opportunity and equity that were being identified by the parents were being properly addressed and removed for in front of the applicant?
G.9 Did Warren Hoshizaki for almost two decades ensure to welcome and address the needs of a growing and increasingly diversity of students and community population with his sexist, racist and discriminatory hiring and promotion practices within the DSBN?
iv. “Director/Board Relations: The Director will establish a positive and constructive relationship with the Board of Trustees to put students first. The Director will establish a relationship built on mutual trust, respect, and confidence with the Board of Trustees. They will have demonstrated understanding of, and respect for, the role of the Board of Trustees in its governance role of ensuring student achievement and well-being. They will seek the voice of trustees and ensure the provision of timely, accurate and relevant information to the Board of Trustees to support decision-making. The Director will review and recommend policies to the Board of Trustees, as well as develop and implement procedures and processes to ensure sound management of DSBN.”
G.10 Did Warren Hoshizaki recommend any policies that could have resolve the applicants and his family’s concerns of racist behavior towards their son by his employees and students of the DSBN?
v. “Strategic Vision, Leadership and Management: The Director will provide leadership in implementing and
monitoring a purposefully engage and honor the diverse voices throughout DSBN’s communities. They will demonstrate and expect an intentional focus on achieving the goals and priorities of the Strategic Plan. They will ensure effective organizational structures and processes that are aligned, coherent, cohesive and reflect common vision for 2023 and beyond. The Director will empower others and work collaboratively to operationalize vision while holding themself and others in the system accountable.”
G.11 Did Warren Hoshizaki engage and honor the diverse voices of the applicants and his family’s concerns of racist behavior towards their son by his employees and students of the DSBN?
G.12 Has Warren Hoshizaki hold himself and others in the system accountable for their racist and prejudice behavior against the applicants and his family’s concerns of racist behavior towards their son by his employees and students of the DSBN?
vi. “Relationship-building: The Director will build and support authentic, respectful and collaborative relationships and engagement across the entire organization at all levels, including with students, parents, staff, DSBN communities, community partners and leaders. The Director will be a highly connected leader across the system and district.“
G.13 Did Warren Hoshizaki try to personally build and support an authentic, respectful and collaborative relationships and engagement with the applicants and his family’s concerns of racist behavior towards their son by his employees and students of the DSBN?
vii. “Human Resource and Leadership Development: The Director will value all staff and build internal capacity throughout the system. They will expect and support superior performance management while embedding professional learning at all levels of DSBN. They will ensure effective human resource policies and practices reflect the diverse and changing demographics of DSBN and support a commitment to advancing human rights, equity, diversity and inclusion. They will enable positive employee relations and organizational development at all levels to foster high levels of staff engagement, success, satisfaction, wellness, well-being and morale.”
G.14 Did Warren Hoshizaki value is Organizational Whiteness workforce by ensuring effective human resource policies and practices reflect the diverse and changing demographics of DSBN and support a commitment to advancing human rights, equity, diversity and inclusion with illegal hiring and promotion against racialized individuals for employment opportunities within the DSBN?
G.15 Did Warren Hoshizaki enable and maintain a positive Organizational Whiteness employee relations and Organizational Whiteness development at all levels to foster high levels of employee engagement, success, satisfaction, wellness, well-being and morale?
viii. “Public Confidence and Communication: The Director will ensure a positive public profile of DSBN with students, staff, parents, community partners, government, and other stakeholders. They will ensure timely, transparent and inclusive communication. They will articulate a clear vision and direction to support public education in meeting the future needs of students, parents, and communities. The Director will take an open, proactive, and positive approach to communication system wide. They will engage and inspire others to promote and champion the vision and mission of DSBN to ensure strong public confidence, trust and community- building.”
G.16 Did Warren Hoshizaki create an open, proactive and positive approach to communication with the applicant and his parents? Did Warren attempt to meet and articulate a clear vision and direction to support the needs of the applicants and his family’s concerns of racist behavior towards their son by his employees and students of the DSBN?